Making Use of Podcasts on Your YouTube Channel

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A podcast represents a digital audio file that’s available to download from the Internet and is usually presented in the form of a series where new subscribers can listen to it at their own convenience. Podcasts are typically available on platforms like Spotify, iTunes, and SoundCloud, and their popularity has grown exponentially over the years.

Brands can make use of podcasts to discuss important issues related to their industry, highlight upcoming trends in the sector, and even interview key personalities. Such information can engage listeners and give them an opportunity to find out more about the brand and its stance on various issues.

The growing popularity of YouTube podcasts

Although YouTube is a video platform and isn’t meant for podcasting, a growing number of creators have shown that it can be a great channel to podcast on and contribute to the growth of your brand while helping you get more YouTube subscribers.

As the second-largest search engine in the world after Google, YouTube attracts billions of users. At present, 47% of global music streaming and listening time happens on YouTube. One study found that 43% of people went to YouTube to listen to podcasts in the year 2018. This actually puts YouTube ahead of Apple Podcasts (34%) and Spotify (23%).

Creators today are realizing that they can take advantage of YouTube’s recommendation algorithm by diversifying their content for audiences spread across multiple platforms. It hugely complements other podcasting platforms so that you get more YouTube views and build a dedicated audience of loyal real YouTube subscribers.

The fact that YouTube was bought over by Google in 2006 for $1.6 billion means that you’ll also benefit from search engine optimization and be able to reach out to a much wider audience than what would be possible if you just posted your content on a podcasting platform.

Why upload podcasts to YouTube?

There are many benefits to uploading your podcasts on YouTube that can boost business growth and help you gain more YouTube subscribers. These are:

Access to a wider audience

Podcasting platforms typically attract those within podcast directories and can’t be used to reach out to a wider audience. With YouTube being the second largest search engine in the world today, you’ll have access to a much wider audience than what would be possible on a traditional podcasting platform. YouTube also gives your YouTube subscribers the opportunity to share your videos with others on social networking platforms, increasing the reach of your videos even more.


YouTube is a user-friendly platform for creators as well as YouTube subscribers. The platform is compatible on mobile devices and people can freely watch content that interests them. With almost everyone having a smartphone in today’s world, this provides a massive opportunity to reach consumers through a medium that they find convenient to use.

Opportunity to interact with your audience

On podcasting platforms, your audience can download your content and that will give you an idea of whether or not they’re interested in it. The opportunity to get feedback on it is also limited and you may find yourself requesting your listeners to leave reviews about your podcast. This isn’t the case with YouTube. The platform is naturally a more interactive one where creators and YouTube subscribers can connect in a more personal manner.

Your real YouTube subscribers are free to leave comments giving you feedback on your podcast on YouTube and show how they feel through likes and dislikes. It also gives you an opportunity to interact with your YouTube subscribers a lot more and create a personal connection with your audience.

A platform for all types of content

People come to YouTube to watch content because the platform has all types of content for people to enjoy. Whether someone is interested in comedy, gaming, shopping, beauty, or animals – they’re sure to find something on the platform that’ll interest them. This makes it a great platform to reach out to your audience. Many people may not be interested in listening to a long podcast as it is but may just get interested if there are some visual stimuli to complement the podcast. Podcasts can also be used to discuss more serious issues on YouTube and engage your target audience.

The meta-data on your YouTube podcasts can increase search engine rankings

YouTube videos require you to add suitable titles, tags, and descriptions. This keyword-rich meta-data for your YouTube podcasts can help optimize your videos and get higher search engine rankings. Google also gives preference to visual content, so it’s more likely that your podcast will be seen more easily in search engine results. Great meta-data also means that your video will appear in the recommended videos section, making it possible for people to find you more easily on YouTube.

Tracking analytics becomes easier and more valuable

On Podcasting platforms, the information you can access regarding the performance of your podcasts is limited. On YouTube, detailed analytics are available. You’ll be able to see:

  • How many YouTube views your video got
  • Which videos performed better in terms of watch time and audience retention
  • Audience demographics such as age group, geographical spread, gender
  • How people managed to find your show, whether through a direct search, recommended videos, or even external links

Such detailed analytics will give you a clear picture of what you’re doing right and allow you to make changes to your content based on what is keeping your YouTube subscribers interested.

You can earn ad revenue

You can add ads to your video podcasts on YouTube and earn from ad revenue as you continue to experience business growth. This makes YouTube a good platform to monetize your efforts and earn from your podcasts.

It can help you protect your content

On YouTube, you’ll also benefit from greater protection of your original content. With Content ID, you, as a copyright owner, can take down any original content of yours that has been wrongfully used. This will protect you from having your content stolen and other people earning from it. You’ll also be able to copy strike content that’s identical to yours and earn revenue from it with YouTube podcasts.

Using podcasting on YouTube

The following are some of the ways that you can use podcasts on YouTube:

Publish your audio file on YouTube

This method involved converting your audio file into a video by adding a static graphic image to the background. You can make use of graphic designs from Canva and other platforms to add important information like your logo, brand name, website URL, and other details that you want your audience to know about when they’re listening to your podcast.

While this is an option to upload your podcasts to YouTube, it’s easily the worst option available. Most people don’t want to just look at a screen with a graphic image while audio plays in the background. If you want to stick to using this method for YouTube podcasts, you may find your audience retention rates dropping.

Use a “talking head” video and show your guests on screen

Another way to upload podcasts to YouTube is to directly record yourself during the podcast and add it to your YouTube channel. You can either speak directly into your camera or record yourself in the setting in which the podcast is taking place. Whatever you decide to do, it’s necessary to make sure that you’ve got the right equipment for it. This means having high-quality recording equipment like a good camera, tripod or camera stabilizer, microphone to pick up sounds clearly, and even post-production equipment that will enable you to edit your content.

Seeing one person’s face may also get boring for your YouTube subscribers so you can change it up by making use of platforms that allow you to switch between your face and the faces of guests you are speaking to in the podcast. This will offer some much-needed change for your YouTube subscribers and make the video more interesting for them.

Once you’ve recorded your content, it’s necessary to go through it and edit out any mistakes or pauses so that the final output is a smoothly flowing video recording of your podcast.

Create shorter video clips of your podcast episodes

You don’t have to post your full podcast on YouTube. You can benefit from YouTube’s popularity and use the platform as a promotional tool to direct people to download your podcasts and listen to the full episode from the podcasting platform. Short, engaging clips from your podcasts can be used to direct your YouTube subscribers to the full podcast. You can even generate hype around the launch of a new podcast episode by creating multiple shorter videos on YouTube.


Didn’t think you’d have so much to gain from uploading podcasts to a video streaming platform like YouTube, did you? Well, now you know better. Incorporate YouTube podcasts into your YouTube marketing strategy and watch your channel get more real YouTube subscribers and YouTube views to boost business growth.

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